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Portrait of Eddy Qui

Eddy Qui

2022-2024 Scholar
Portrait of Aidan Rashid

Aidan Rashid

2023-2024 Scholar

The Student Affairs Difference

Portrait of Nina Moore

Nina Moore

2023-2024 Scholar
Portrait of Elizabeth Alspach

Elizabeth Alspach

2023-2024 Scholar
Portrait of Tolu Talabi

Tolu Talabi

2023-2024 Scholar
Portrait of Julia Kallaur

Julia Kallaur

2022-2023 Scholar
Portrait of Miara Sasdi

Miara Sasdi

2022-2023 Scholar

We Strengthen Our Foundations

Our physical and financial infrastructures are the agents that provoke, speed, or halt significant change. 

We must continually evaluate our systems and services to create a conduit for equitable, sustainable, and community-driven progress across the division.

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