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Chidobem Ikuemesi

Chidobem Ikuemesi

Chidobem Ikuemesi

2024-2025 Scholar

Chidobem Ikuemesi’s experience at the University of Maryland has been nothing short of amazing. He originally came to Maryland during the last school year (2023-24) as a transfer student from Montgomery College. As soon as he stepped on campus, Chidobem knew he could make a home for himself here in College Park. He’s met many great people and has gotten involved in a lot of events, specifically at the Nyumburu Cultural Center, which became somewhat of a second dorm for him last school year. Chidoben attended his first ever career fair, met his first mentor, and learned how to network. What excites him the most is the fact that this is only the beginning, as Chidobem has only been a Terp for one year. He looks forward to growing and progressing with each passing day.


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