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About Us

The Division of Student Affairs Office of Development and External Relations provides Division-wide leadership and support in the areas of fundraising and external relations. Through the establishment and cultivation of relationships with friends, parents, alumni, foundations and corporations, we work to create shared interests with an ultimate goal of philanthropic support for Division-wide and departmental priorities.

The Division of Student Affairs' development staff stands ready to assist you in any way that will make it easier and more satisfying to contribute. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you make your contribution to the Division of Student Affairs.

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or concerns and we'll be happy to assist. 

University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs
Office of Development and External Relations
2117 Mitchell Building, 7999 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301-314-4900 | Email:

Our Staff

Portrait of Ed Kenny

Ed Kenny

Director, Development & External Relations
Portrait of Casey Bell

Casey Bell

Senior Associate Director
Portrait of Boosaba Tantisunthorn

Boosaba Tantisunthorn

Associate Director
Portrait of Zackary Albrecht

Zackary Albrecht

Assistant Director, Donor Relations & Stewardship
Portrait of Ari Kroop

Ari Kroop

Development Coordinator
Portrait of Shannon Cleary

Shannon Cleary

Development Coordinator
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