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Giving FAQs

The following questions are among those most commonly asked by prospective donors to the Division of Student Affairs. For more information or to arrange a confidential discussion, please get in touch with the office directly at (301) 314-4900.

You may choose the type of asset (cash or non-cash) to contribute, the giving method (direct or planned), and the initiative you would like to support (a fund, program, scholarship, department, and so on).

You may pledge a gift of $5,000 or more and pay for it over a maximum five-year term.

Yes, you may make your gift in recognition of a special loved one, friend, or colleague, or to memorialize someone who is deceased. For more information or a confidential discussion, please send e-mail to or call one of our development staff.

You may endow your gift so that it lives in perpetuity. The gift's principal will be invested soundly and a percentage of the income generated will be designated as you wish. For more information or a confidential discussion, please send e-mail to or call one of our development staff.

Gifts to our annual fund, the Maryland Fund for Excellence may be made online quickly and securely. For other types of gifts such as establishing a scholarship or professorship and estate gifts, please send e-mail to or call one of our development staff.

There are numerous ways to use your estate as a means to take care of loved ones after you're gone, while realizing your philanthropic goals. For more personalized information or a confidential discussion, please send e-mail to or call one of our development staff.

Yes, the Division of Student Affairs accepts gifts in kind that benefit programs and departments within the Division. To learn more about the Division’s needs, please call Ed Kenny at (301) 405-0322 or

Gifts in support of the University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs are accepted and managed by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions or concerns about your donation.

There are various ways of structuring your gift whereby you will be provided with a stream of income in addition to a tax break. Please contact your finance or tax professional directly, please send e-mail to or call one of our development staff.

Checks should be made out to the University of Maryland College Park Foundation.


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