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Planned & Named Giving

Today, you can leave a lasting impact on a University of Maryland student. Your gift will not only shape the course of their life forever, but also make a profound impression on your life and your family.

To discuss making a gift or leaving your legacy please contact Ed Kenny.


Bequests are planned gifts as written in your will or living trust, in which you designate the University of Maryland College Park Foundation as a recipient of a percentage of your estate, a certain amount of cash, securities or property.

The official legal bequest language for the University of Maryland College Park Foundation is:

I give to University of Maryland College Park Foundation, a charitable organization located at 4603 Calvert Rd, College Park MD 20740, [insert $ amount, percentage of residuary estate, or otherwise name gifted assets], for the [insert name of use, fund designation, or restriction, such as “for its general educational purposes”, “for student financial support”, “for the College of --”, “for the Department of –“, or otherwise state donor restrictions].

Regardless of what you decide, make sure to let us know that you are considering placing the Division of Student Affairs in your will so we can ensure the right language is included. We would also like to thank you for your generous decisions.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Regardless of what you decide, make sure to let us know that you are considering placing the Division of Student Affairs in your will so we can ensure the right language is included. We would also like to thank you for your generous decisions.

Generally, the older you are at the start of your payments, the higher your payments.

These rates are the maximum rates recommended by the American Council on Gift Annuities and are adjusted periodically.

Naming Opportunities

Naming opportunities are a wonderful way to permanently recognize a major gift, and an area of campus that might be special to you or a family member.

There are many opportunities to name a part of campus through the Division of Student Affairs.

To discuss naming opportunities please contact Ed Kenny.


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