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Care Referrals

If you are concerned about the welfare of a member of the university community, including students, faculty, and staff, and this is a non-emergency, we encourage you to complete a Care Referral to report your concern. If you have an imminent concern for someone based on a threat of harm to self or others, call 911 or the University of Maryland Police at 301.405.3333. This includes emergencies such as possession of a weapon, violence, destruction of property, or suicidal ideation.

The Dean of Students Office supports students experiencing a variety of challenges and/or concerns, including, but not limited to: academics, finances, basic needs insecurity, physical and mental health, disruptive/disturbing behavior, and overall well-being. We work to connect students to appropriate resources to support their individual success and a thriving campus community.

Any member of the university community is encouraged to request support for a student from the Dean of Students Office by using the online reporting form to identify students and describe their area(s) of concern.

Early intervention is important. See something, say something, do something. 

The Dean of Students Office evaluates every report. All concerns are taken seriously and will be investigated promptly. This includes elevating concerns to the Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment (BETA) Team. The Dean of Students Office team may contact the individual who submitted the report to discuss the concern. We will consider all information provided, and our team will contact the student of concern to assess what resources would be beneficial and collaboratively develop an action plan to reduce obstacles and support their success at UMD.

Concerning behavior of a faculty or staff member, not related to a student, should also be reported and those reports will automatically go to the BETA Team. The BETA Team will then refer to other offices as necessary, including University Human Resources, Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct, and/or Office of Diversity & Inclusion.

Types of concerns referred to the Dean of Students Office:

  • Housing insecurity/houselessness 
  • Financial insecurity 
  • Health or mental health concerns 
  • Medical emergency 
  • Hospitalization or hospital transport 
  • Death of a student or family member 
  • Family emergency 
  • Events that are traumatic or disruptive 
  • Academic concerns (Assistance with seeking resources and filing petitions) 
  • Harm to self or others 
  • Disruption or other conduct concerns 
  • Impacted by crime or assault 
  • Harassment, bias, or discrimination 
  • Retention concerns

Distress signals and/or concerning behavior may include:

  • Depression – poor concentration, loss of interest, withdrawal.
  • Agitation – anxious, unable to sit still.
  • Disorientation – seems ‘out of it,’ may exhibit bizarre behavior.
  • Suicidal expression – thoughts or threats.
  • Alcohol and/or other drug abuse – including coming to class/work intoxicated and/or high.
  • Increased irritability, undue aggressive or abrasive behavior.
  • Excessive procrastination, poor class/work attendance, little or no work completed.
  • Marked change in personal hygiene.
  • Alarming or dangerous behaviors.

Questions that may help you identify a concern:

  • Has the individuals’s personality changed?
  • Has the individual’s behavior changed?
  • Is the change in behavior gradual or is it sudden?
  • What kind of support network does the person have?
  • Is the individual doing anything about their situation?


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