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Robin and Tom Portman Scholarship for Undergraduate Veteran Students

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About The Robin and Tom Portman Scholarship for Undergraduate Veteran Students

robin and tom portman

The Robin and Tom Portman Scholarship for Undergraduate Veteran Students was established by Robin (’80 and ’89) and Tom (86’) Portman to provide funding for undergraduate veteran students enrolled at the University. Tom was an Air Force veteran (Korean linguist and intelligence analyst) and Robin and Tom met while both were working as intelligence analysts for the U.S. Navy. Robin and Tom wanted to recognize the sacrifice and contribution that our veteran students have made to our country prior to enrolling at the University. After graduating from the University, Robin and Tom  remained in the Washington, D.C. area as active supporters of the University’s sports teams.

About The Fund

For instructions on how to apply for the Robin and Tom Portman Scholarship, please visit UMD Veteran Student Life Website. If you have any questions about the application process, please contact us at or (301) 314-4900.

Past Scholars

Portrait of Micah Wright

Micah Wright

2022-2025 Scholar
Portrait of Elizabeth Armstrong

Elizabeth Armstrong

2019-2020 Scholar
Portrait of Francis Borrasso

Francis Borrasso

2018-2019 Scholar
Portrait of Corey Burns

Corey Burns

2016-2017 Scholar
Portrait of Mingjie Feng

Mingjie Feng

2013-2014 Scholar


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