Divine Nine Emergency Tuition and Assistance Fund
About the Fund
The Divine Nine Emergency Tuition and Assistance Fund was established by alumni members of the Divine Nine organizations in recognition of their shared values and association with the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC). Spendable income from the Divine Nine Emergency Tuition and Assistance Fund provides emergency tuition and book assistance to undergraduate students who are members of a NPHC affiliated organization and are enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University of Maryland. Priority is given to first-time applicants and those with expected graduation dates within two semesters of application. The average award amount ranges from $250-500.
How to Apply
Click here to apply for support from the Divine Nine Emergency Tuition and Assistance Fund. If you have questions, please contact us at sagiving@umd.edu or 301-314-4900.
Past Scholars