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Noelle Thompson-Worthington

Noelle Thompson-Worthington

Noelle Thompson-Worthington

2017 scholar

I am a mother of four children, ranging from ages 15 to 1 month old, who decided that my talents were best explored in the academic arena rather than the service industry. At 33, I decided to return to college without the convenience of my prior transcript, which left little to attest to my abilities. Starting over at the College of Southern Maryland, I was inspired by my history professor, Dr. Arnold-Lourie, who instilled a passion for learning and scholarship. I was admitted to the University of Maryland after completing my Honors Degree in History and obtaining the Distinguished History Scholar award in the spring of 2015. During my time at University of Maryland, I gave birth to my last two children, while attending class and working part-time. I was admitted into the History Honors Program at UMD and did my thesis on Gregory of Tours and his depiction of the Frankish King Clovis. I am forever grateful to the Charlotte Newcomb Foundation for the generous award that will enable me to complete my degrees by the spring of 2018. I plan on applying to graduate school in December to continue Anthropological coursework in Archaeology.


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