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Josiah Simpson

Josiah Simpson

Josiah Simpson

2022-2023 Scholar

Although he is still relatively early on the path, Josiah Simpson has managed to live quite an interesting and varied life. From active duty military service, to food and retail gigs, to teaching English to students in multiple states, the range has been both atypical and wonderfully enriching. One throughline, however, both connects his multiple experiences, and informs the perspective and attitude he has toward his work. Systemic racism and unjust power structures perpetuate a dangerous imbalance that oppresses and threatens countless lives every day. Teaching high school English in the Delta region of Arkansas, Josiah saw firsthand the effects of things like de facto segregation. A school that is composed of more than 90% black students are every day entering a building named after Confederate general Robert E. Lee. This is still the case at this very moment in 2023. It is plainly evident to Josiah that there can be no further progress in America and the education system without passionate individuals both recognizing, and engaging in this work and this larger struggle.


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