James Joseph
James Joseph
Staff Sergeant James L. Joseph. was born in Haiti and raised in south Florida. James graduated high school in summer of 2012 and enlisted in the Marine Corps with his brother in July of 2014. After graduating basic training in October 2014, James was assigned to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC. He served as the administrator for over 30,000 Marines aboard the station, ensuring correct and timely allocations of entitlements and record keeping and management. James was promoted from Private First Class to Sergeant in three years time. It was there that he met his wife in January of 2016 and got married in December of 2017. In January 2018, James received orders to Headquarters Marine Corps, Quantico, VA where he served as the Non-commissioned Officer in Charge of Fiscal and Entitlements. In May of 2019, James applied for the Enlisted to Officer program, and was selected and attended Officer Candidate School (OCS) in January of 2020. In July 2020, he received orders to the University of Maryland. James was selected and promoted to Staff Sergeant in May 2021. James is currently a Junior majoring in Information Science; upon graduation in Fall 2022, he will earn a commission as a second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps and resume my military career.