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Jack Wyman

Jack Wyman

Jack Wyman

2021-2022 Scholar

My name is Jack Wyman. I am currently a junior at the University of Maryland studying Supply Chain Management and Marketing. Due to the pandemic, supply chain has become a much more relevant topic, and it makes me eager to go out there and mitigate any issues related to that. I am proudly serving as President of the Delta Omega Chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Our chapter is in a unique situation, as we are currently under a revitalization. We were able to get a fresh start as a chapter with new faces and leadership in order to become a successful chapter again. I was the only member from the old group who decided to stay and develop this chapter. Through my leadership, we were able to double the size of our chapter in less than a year. As a leader, it is essential to understand everyone who is involved, build robust relationships with each member, and do all that I can do to provide the best experience for members. As for my academic pursuits, I would like to be more involved in the supply chain and/or marketing industries. I am super honored to have received the Beta Theta Pi Scholarship and I cannot wait to see where this chapter goes.