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  Eden Siskind '18

  Eden Siskind '18

  Eden Siskind '18


  â€œRefugee history has been very interesting to me my whole life because my
grandfather sought refuge in   the United States after the Holocaust. After
being accepted to intern with HIAS, I was very nervous that I   wouldn’t be
able to afford to travel in and out of DC twice a week. The metro is fairly
expensive, and on   top of that I did not have enough money to buy
professional clothes for the internship. I am very grateful   that because of
the Bright Futures Unpaid Internship Scholarship I am able to successfully
intern in DC   this semester. As the advocacy and policy intern for HIAS, I
work directly with the advocacy vice president   on various tasks relating to
public policy. Most recently, I staffed an International Religious Freedom
  Roundtable discussion at the Cannon building with my boss and was able
to meet Senator Marco Rubio.”   -Eden Siskind, HIAS


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