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Devin Ellis

Devin Ellis

Devin Ellis

Devin Ellis is a senior faculty specialist at the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security at the University of Maryland, where he leads the Congressionally mandated Asymmetric Threats Analysis Center. He was previously Director of the ICONS Project — a wargaming and simulation research program in the university’s College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and a senior researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. Devin’s work focuses on helping organizations use interdisciplinary approaches to study the human elements of complex problems in information, organization, and irregular warfare. Devin began his career working on U.S.-China crisis management issues, and has been privileged to participate in nearly twenty years of groundbreaking Track II dialogues with the PRC. When he shifted his focus to CT and CVE work, he notably led the teams that designed the global wargames used by NCTC for planning support and the training games developed to assist ATA executive leadership programs. Devin has designed and led projects for many parts of the US national security enterprise, including the State Department, CIA, the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC), DHS, and many parts of DOD including OSD(P), OUSD(I&S), OUSD(A&S), the Joint Staff, PACOM, EUCOM, SOCOM, CENTCOM, SOCPAC, SOCEUR, USASOC, and several Component Commands. He is an alumnus of the American Academy for Strategic Education’s (AASE) course on competitive net assessment. He serves as an external reviewer for the interdisciplinary journal Simulation & Gaming, and is associate editor of the PAXsims blog.


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