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  Daniel Gorelik '16

  Daniel Gorelik '16

  Daniel Gorelik '16


  â€œThere are a lot of different projects that go on in the office.
Whether it’s working on anti-bias   training at schools in the region or
coordinating with major law enforcement officials for   educational
programs, there is always a lot of active work being done at the ADL.
As a leading   civil rights organization, it has also been very interesting
to be part of something that keeps up to   date and more importantly,
active on the issues that affect everyone in the country. Because of
  Bright Futures, I have been able to take part in once in a lifetime
moments that I otherwise would   never have had the chance to do,
like going to the White House welcoming ceremony for   Canadian
Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. My time at the ADL has been
extremely rewarding thus   far and as I continue to learn more about
pushing for civil rights and providing new perspectives   on concerns like stereotyping, I will in large part have
Bright Futures to thank for that.” -Daniel   Gorelik, Anti-Defamation League


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