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Cindy Vo

Cindy Vo

Cindy Vo

2021-2022 Scholar

Cindy will earn her Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, with a minor in Sustainability Studies in May 2022. Cindy is an alum of the First-Year Innovation Research Experience (FIRE): Sustainability Analytics stream, and Robert H. Smith's Social Innovation Fellows Cohort 11. She also served as a Teaching Assistant for UNIV100: University Life for freshmen, and for BMGT367: Career Search Strategies in Business for business school transfers. She is currently a Supply Chain Consulting Fellow at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, where she completes supply chain cases studies, visit national ports, and network with industry leaders.

Outside of the classroom, she holds two jobs as a Peer Career Counselor at the University Career Center & the President’s Promise, and as a Program Assistant at the Center for Global Business at Robert. H Smith School of Business. Cindy has previously served as the Vice President (Operations) of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority and as the Asian American Student Union representative on the executive board of the Vietnamese Student Association. She is currently serving as the Vice President of Scholarship for Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society and as the Deputy Commissioner of Campaigning for the UMD Student Government. 

After graduation, Cindy is working as a Risk Analyst at Fannie Mae in Washington, DC. In the future, she hopes to move to NYC or Chicago to work full-time in the financial industry while earning her MBA part-time. Cindy enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and staying active in her free time.