Carlos Gonzalez

Carlos Gonzalez
In his time at the University of Maryland, Carlos Gonzalez has gotten great fulfillment from the classes, extracurriculars, and work he is involved in that revolve around his professional interests related to landscape architecture. He has volunteered in a stormwater management lab that provides him with the resources and knowledge to understand how water leaves sites and how it affects local hydrological processes. Carlos had an internship for the D.C. Department of Transportation that showed him the synergy between landscape architecture and finding transportation solutions. He has also worked as a teaching assistant helping students learn how to use geographical information systems applications like ArcGIS Pro to perform master planning and determine land use solutions for their projects. During his time here he also became certified for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design as a Green Associate, as well as earned the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education Academy of Academic Excellence Awards for both 2022 and 2023.