Caleb Hurley

Caleb Hurley
Caleb Hurley is a senior at the University of Maryland- College Park pursuing an Honors English Language and Literature B.A. with a Creative Writing minor. For his creative writing honors thesis, Caleb is writing a collection of four short stories that seek to elevate genre work (horror) using elements of absurdism as seen in traditional literature using Kafka, Tolstoy, Joyce, Ellison, etc., as references. He held a summer internship at the Strathmore Music Center while also balancing his responsibilities for his honors thesis, and as a father and husband. In the 2022 academic year, Caleb was also the undergraduate English department representative for the Committee on Antiracism, Accessibility, Respect, Equity, and Social Justice at the University of Maryland. Caleb’s hope is that in the future he will be able to effectively use his writing to entertain and engage with his community, wherever that may be.