Briana Garcia

Briana Garcia
As a senior majoring in Government and Politics, Briana Garcia realized her major was more than just understanding power and political theory. The study of government also means to understand how good leaders can use their power to make a difference in this world. Briana served as Vice President for the Student Government Association (SGA) before transferring to Maryland; Served as a legislator for AGS at Maryland; LinkedIn Manager for the Latino Pre-Law Society; McNair Scholar and Treasurer for the McNair Student Advisory Board; Undergraduate Research Assistant; Tutor for the Service Learning Certificate Program; Member of the Student Leadership Advisory Council; Member of the Academic Excellence Society; Undergraduate Teaching Assistant; and works at the Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education. Briana has work experience as a government relations intern, legislative intern, and political consultant intern. Briana hopes to gear her experiences toward a path in law and research.