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Avery Vess

Avery Vess

Avery Vess

2023-2024 Scholar

Avery Vess is a Research Assistant for the Cognition and Language Processing Lab, a member of the Departmental Honors Program for HESP, and a recipient of the BSOS Summer Scholars award. Previously, she was an intern at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology researching the molecular underpinnings of the obesity link of the N221D polymorphism. Avery is also the HESP Representative for the BSOS Dean’s Student Advisory Council and part of the Adele H. Stamp Chapter of the Mortar Board Honors Society. Avery hopes to pursue a clinical degree as well as a Ph.D. in the future so she can do research that informs future clinical practices in the field of communication science and disorders.